learn how to use jquery

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Read Documents in this site. This is what I refine from the site above.

JavaScript 101

1.$( document ).ready

run ONCE when DOM is ready for javascript code to execute.


run ONCE when entire PAGE(images or iframes) is ready, not just DOM!

3.named function

function readFn( jQuery ){

4.put jQuery into NO-CONFLICT mode

key code: jQuery.noConflict()
var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); now,you can use $j instead of $
you can also name it as jq or $JQ etc. instead of $j

5.another way for putting jQuery into NO-CONFLICT mode

      <!-- Another way to put jQuery into no-conflict mode. -->
      <script src="prototype.js"></script>
      <script src="jquery.js"></script>


      jQuery( document ).ready(function( $ ) {
      // You can use the locally-scoped $ in here as an alias to jQuery.
      $( "div" ).hide();

      // The $ variable in the global scope has the prototype.js meaning.
      window.onload = function(){
      var mainDiv = $( "main" );


pay attention to the code jQuery( document ).ready(function( $ )."function" gets a parameter which is $

6.don't conflict $ in JQuery library with $ in other library(e.g. prototype.js library) compare with topic 4 and topic 5 above

In this scenario, you don't need to call jQuery.noConflict(). just load jQuery BEFORE other libraries which will conflict $ of JQeury.
following is an example code snippet:

      <!-- Loading jQuery before other libraries. -->
      <script src="jquery.js"></script>
      <script src="prototype.js"></script>

      // Use full jQuery function name to reference jQuery.
      jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
      jQuery( "div" ).hide();

      // Use the $ variable as defined in prototype.js
      window.onload = function() {
      var mainDiv = $( "main" );


you use jQuery instead of $ and you are then in no need for calling jQuery.noConflict().You use $ normally for library prototype.js

7.get and set an elment's attributes

key code :_.attr()
it can be used as both setter and getter


1.to use any of the meta-characters, must be escaped with two backslashes\\
2.Attribute Selector

$("a[attributes]")  //<a> with attributes
$("div[attributes]")    //<div> with attributes

3.:animated Selector

$("div:animated")   //<div> witch is in animation

check out this site for more.

9.Data Method

store data with elements and JQuery manages the Memory issue for you!

$( "# myDiv" ).data( "keyName", { foo: "bar" } );

$( "# myDiv" ).data( "keyName" );   // Returns { foo: "bar" }  

10.Iterate over JQuery and Non-JQuery Objects.

key code:
$.each() for non-jquery objects.
.each() for jquery collections.

see this site for more!

11..index() function

12.Draggable Widget

In jQuery UI library.
Allow elements to be moved using the mouse.
An Example is here.